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Cook County Child Support Attorney

Lawyers Helping Divorcing Parents Address Children's Expenses in Oak Park and Chicago
Parents who choose to divorce must address a wide variety of child-related issues, and one primary concern is how to ensure that they will have the financial resources necessary to meet their children's needs. When combined with the avalanche of other legal matters and practical concerns that must be addressed, these issues can seem overwhelming, which is why it is essential to work with a knowledgeable, experienced divorce attorney.
The lawyers at Wakenight & Associates, P.C. have been working in the field of family law for over 95 combined years. We provide our clients with a comprehensive understanding of Illinois' divorce laws, and we will work with you to reach a positive resolution to your case that will ensure that your children's ongoing needs will be met.
Child Support and Expenses in Illinois
Child support is typically thought of as a payment made by one parent to the other, with the parent who has custody of the children receiving support from their former spouse. However, it is important to remember that child support is actually provided for the benefit of the children, and both parents are obligated to support their children financially. As such, Illinois law bases the amount of child support on the income earned by both parents, and each parent is required to provide a portion of this amount.
Child support obligations are based on the amount that parents would typically spend on their children if they had not decided to divorce. A total obligation is determined using parents' combined income and the number of children, and this amount is then divided between parents based on the percentage of the combined income that each parent earns. In many cases, the parent with the minority of the parenting time will pay their portion of the child support obligation to the other parent, but in cases in which parents have near-equal amounts of parenting time, additional calculations may be necessary to ensure that the child support obligation is divided fairly.
In addition to this basic child support obligation, parents may also be required to contribute towards other child-related expenses, including:
- Child care, such as tuition at a daycare center or the cost of hiring a nanny.
- Educational expenses, such as books and school supplies.
- Health insurance premiums and other costs related to medical care, such as doctor co-pays or prescription medications. These costs will typically be divided based on each parent's percentage of the combined income.
- Extracurricular activities. Parents will usually be required to split the costs of activities such as sports, music lessons, or summer camps. A divorce decree may specify a maximum amount that parents will be obligated to pay for these activities each year.
- College expenses. Parents may be required to help children pay for tuition, room, and board, although this obligation may be terminated if children do not maintain a "C" average on their grades. The amount of parents' legal obligations cannot be more than the amount required to attend the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign for that same school year.
Contact a Skokie Divorce and Child Support Lawyer
Your children deserve to have financial support from both parents, and our attorneys can ensure that your child support obligations are calculated correctly. We will address any concerns you might have and work to protect your financial interests throughout the divorce process. Contact us at 708-480-9651 to set up your free consultation today. We serve clients in Oak Park, Maybrook, Chicago, River Forest, Skokie, Elmwood Park, Cicero, Berwyn, Forest Park, and Cook County.