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Oak Park Divorce Lawyer For Emergency Orders

Family Law Attorneys For Situations Involving Domestic Abuse in Cook County
When your marriage has broken down, and you are in the process of divorce, you are likely to be involved in a wide variety of disagreements with your former partner. However, while conflict is understandable, if you feel that you or your children are in danger of harm, you should work with an attorney to address these concerns and take legal steps to secure your safety.
With over 95 years of combined legal experience, the lawyers at Wakenight & Associates, P.C. can provide you with compassionate, dedicated representation in an emergency. We will make sure you understand your rights and your options for obtaining protection from domestic violence, domestic abuse, or any other threats you may face.
Emergency Situations During Divorce
Many victims of domestic abuse have been in a toxic relationship for years, and they may not realize how bad their situation has become. In addition to any physical assaults they commit, an abusive spouse is likely to manipulate their victim emotionally and maintain financial control over them, making them believe that they have no option but to stay in the marriage. However, nobody deserves to live as a victim of abuse, and there are always options for leaving an abusive spouse and protecting your family's safety.
Anyone who has been the victim of abuse or domestic violence can obtain an emergency order of protection against their abuser. This type of restraining order will not only prohibit your ex from committing any further abuse, but will also require the abuser to stay away from you, your children, your home, and your workplace, and they will be not be allowed to contact you in any way. These restrictions will remain in effect until a hearing is held in which a judge will decide whether permanent protections should be put in place.
If, after obtaining an order of protection, you wish to proceed with the divorce process, you can ask for temporary relief from the court that will allow you to meet your immediate needs. For example, you may need to receive financial support from your ex-spouse, such as spousal maintenance or child support. This can be helpful if you are a stay at home parent or rely on your spouse for financial support. You may also ask the court to ensure that you have access to certain marital property, grant you custody of your children, or restrict your spouse to supervised parenting time. You and your ex-spouse will both be required to follow any temporary court orders made during the divorce process, and your attorney can help you demonstrate why this temporary relief is necessary until more permanent solutions can be put in place when your divorce is finalized.
Contact a Skokie High Conflict Divorce Lawyer
In an emergency situation, our attorneys will provide you with the legal representation you need and help you ensure that your family is safe. Whether you need to escape an abusive relationship or deal with other emergency issues, such as substance abuse, harassment, or child abduction by your ex-spouse, we will work to protect your safety, your parental rights, and your financial well-being. To get started on your path to a better life, contact us at 708-480-9651 and schedule your free consultation today. We represent clients in family law cases in Oak Park, Chicago, Cicero, Riverside, Skokie, Maybrook, Forest Park, Berwyn, Elmwood Park, River Forest, and throughout Cook County.